Monday, December 16, 2013

Applying to the DCP

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been super caught up with school finals amongst other things. I decided on this post I would talk about how to apply to the Disney College Program and how the process is to give applicants an idea of what to expect as it can be a little bit overwhelming. Also, sorry if I skip some stuff at the beginning because I'm a little rusty on how it started, it went by so fast!

First: The Online Application

When you first apply you will receive an email to do the online questionnaire. This is a simple questionnaire where you will answer various questions about your personality and what environment you like to work in, as well as how you work with others. There is no wrong or right here so my best advice is to answer honestly! If you don't like working with others, put that down as there are specific roles where not as much group effort is needed. Disney is just trying to see if they would have a role that would fit for you and what preferences you have so that you can enjoy your time working for them where you are placed. Answer honestly and it will help you out later. But overall, don't stress about this part! This will also be (if memory serves right) where you choose what roles you are interested in. You can put high to low interest on as many as you want, but note that you can be chosen to do a low-interest role that you picked. If you REALLY don't want a role don't put any interest on it just to get into the DCP you won't be happy doing it.

If you are still worried some example questions are:

-Do you prefer working with others or alone?
-Are you mostly positive at work?
-Do you like interacting with customers and guests?
-Are you on time to most things?

Once you get past this Disney will email you back shortly (mine was the same day) and tell you if they want you to continue or not. For me, I received an email saying they were very interested in me and wanted me to do the dreaded phone interview! That being said, my final tip would be to take the online interview whenever you know you will have free time for the next couple of days due to the fact that when you get an email saying they want you to do the phone interview you only have the next three days to schedule it.

Second: The Phone Interview

Once you receive the email from Disney saying they are interested in you they will ask you to go to a website and pick an interview time within the next three days. Once these three days are up, you're out of the opportunity so make sure you plan when you start applying accordingly. You can pick any time on the hour (and maybe the half hour I don't remember) on any of the three days. I remember selecting the second or third day at 8 pm.  A lot of websites will tell you to do the interview in the early morning as interviewers are first starting out and they haven't gone through thousands of other applicants already. Although I think this is good advice and it may be true, you need to select the time best for you. Don't go out of your way to make an appointment at a time you wouldn't normally accept because you think it will give you a better chance of getting in. You get in for being you and your interview with the person, not what time on what day you choose to do your interview. That being said my tips for this process are:

-You are expected to be free and ready thirty minutes before your interview. Have a pad of paper and pen ready to write down some stuff like questions you have and to be able to write down your top three role choices (they will ask you to do this).

-Remember your interviewers name! I wrote mine down when she introduced herself and made sure to tell her thank you at the end with her name, showing I cared enough to take note of it. It shows great personable skills when working with guests and it's just common courtesy in my opinion.

-Don't hesitate to ask any questions you have along the way! Your interviewer should ask you if you have any questions after they're done interviewing you so don't worry about that.

-Be open-minded, but have your limits. My interviewer asked me if I was willing to do janitorial if that was an only option and told me how everyone who did it loved it. Was I interested? No. However I did show some interest and told her I might be willing to do it but it would be at the very bottom of my list. Again, be honest with them.

-Have fun! I know this one was hard for me because I have horrible anxiety when it comes to phone calls and that sort of thing but when I got on the phone I was honest with my interviewer and was smiling and upbeat, which they can pick up over the fun. I joked with her when she misspoke and she thought it was hilarious. I ended up squealing over how excited I was at the end so don't be afraid to be yourself! That;s what they want to interview, not a dull person trying to be "professional and business-like", but always BE HONEST.

As for what kinds of questions are asked, they will be something like:

-Are you okay with working outside in the heat?
-Are you okay with being responsible for everyone on a ride if you are operating it?
-What would you do in case of an emergency?
-A child is not tall enough to ride on a certain ride, what do you do?
-Are you okay with doing repetitive actions such as taking tickets or saying things like "watch your head"?
-Are you willing to help others with responsibilities as a team?

These were some of the questions I received but for more of an idea of what to expect then check out YouTube videos on what people have to say about it.

And feel free to check out more if the videos above didn't help or feel free to contact me with any questions about the process! 

After your phone interview, you can only wait for the results on whether or not you're in the wonderful Disney College Program! It's a lot of anxiety to wait but well worth it if you get in! If you are rejected along the way Disney may just not have the right spot for you at the time so always reapply and keep trying! As for time for hearing back, I heard back approximately one week after my phone interview which was wonderful! Good luck to everyone applying and have a magical day!

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