Monday, December 2, 2013

My Thoughts On Frozen (and Tangled similarities)

Hey guys! So a little while ago I saw the highly anticipated (for me at least) movie Frozen! Frozen features two new Disney princesses, Anna and Elsa, and showcase Norwegian flare throughout this movie. If the Broadway-esque musical  numbers aren't enough to give you chills then the two eligible men in the movie are sure to! While I was seeing some plot holes and parts I had wished had been more elaborated on, I also noticed there wasn't as much character development as there had been with other Disney princess movies. This may be due to the fact that Disney not only had to tackle a princess and her prince, but another princess and another love interest while cramming it all into a 100 minute film. The lack of romantic moments and a couple's song also bugged me about the film but I love Anna taking charge over the story and showing a change from boy-crazy and unsure of herself to independent and strong. I wasn't as annoyed with Olaf as I had first expected, but his laugh and dead-pan jokes eventually got to me and I was looking for a scene without him in it. I did however, adore Sven and his talking with Kristoff through the song "Reindeer are Better than People". The music was memorable and moving, although realistically not anyone's first choice for karaoke night as the songs are challenging to sing for the normal little princess.

SPOILERS! (Highlight to View)
I thought that the twist with Hans at the end really being the villain while feigning being good was similar to Mother Gothel as a person who was loving to Rapunzel only to use her for her magical hair. I also thought that the Duke of Wellington added another villain character element that really wasn't needed, but fluffed up parts of he movie where a role had to be filled for the film to transition along. I really liked Anna's act of true love was towards Elsa and not Kristoff, although I wanted more Kristoff and Anna action.

My comparison of Tangled and Frozen-

Many have brought up the point that Rapunzel and Anna have the same looks and Tangled parallels Frozen. I did find some similarities between the two and did feel as if Frozen was Tangled meeting a different fairytale.

  •  The way that Rapunzel acts almost childlike and moves like one was very similar, but it can be said that both were very isolated from everyone, giving them a childlike curiosity for something more and seeing people. 
  • Sven and Maximus were similar as they both acted like pet dogs who could non-verbally talk to their owners. For some reason I liked Sven more than Maximus...
  • Rapunzel and Anna did look awfully similar, but with a closer look Anna has eyes that are downturned and more freckles. 
  • Olaf the snowman was the main comedic relief for the movie Frozen who could be compared to Pascal the chameleon. However, Pascal never talked and I found him to lend more comedy than Olaf's lines were throughout the entire movie. 

Overall, I loved Frozen and can't wait to see it again! However, I still appreciate Tangled a bit more with the beautiful animation for the lantern scene.


  1. Haha, I wrote a VERY similar review on my blog! Loved it!

  2. Oh Emily I adore your blog it's so cute and way more informative than mine could ever be!
