Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Our Gingerbread House! Err...Castle

Hey guys! Thought since I was in a blogging mood I'd do another post about our awesome gingerbread creation. I can't take any credit as it was all done by my dad but I felt the need to show his craftsmanship and skills off as I was blown away! He started creating this masterpiece near Thanksgiving and yes, it's Cinderella's Castle. We have a tradition of making a gingerbread creation from whatever we did on vacation and our only vacation was Disney World so here it is! I love it so much and it's perfect for before I move to Walt Disney World! Everything you see is edible (except Cinderella herself!) and did I mention it lights up from the inside too? I can add more pictures if anyone is interested but I just thought I would share real quick since I loved it and found it to be so special!

Have a magical night (or day)!

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