Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nothing is better than your purple letter!

Hey guys! Last post of the night I promise! I wanted to post about getting the exclusive DCP purple congratulatory letter from Disney and getting it, which is such a thrill! I knew about the letter and anxiously checked the mail everyday for over a month looking for the letter to arrive. And of course, it came in the day after I had texted my friend that I was disappointed and that I thought it wouldn't when I was with that same friend. Needless to say, I was enthralled!!!

 It is so much more beautiful in person, but it is so magical and personal all the same. I got it 5 weeks after I was accepted so don't worry if you haven't gotten yours. It will come in it's own time! If you are concerned (like I was!) you can always email them and they will reply within a couple of days giving you an update on if your letter is processing as sometimes they lose your letter in the mail or something like that. Anyways, my purple letter was a fantastic gift, when did ya'll get yours?

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